Masimo W1

Masimo W1

Masimo W1®

Continuous Patient Monitoring Watch

Masimo W1 is a comfortable, lifestyle-friendly continuous monitoring device that pairs with the Masimo SafetyNet® platform for a true telehealth experience—empowering care providers to make timely clinical decisions and stay connected to patients across the continuum of care.

infographic of Masimo SafetyNet Secure Service

Continuous Vitals on the Wrist

Continuous Vitals on the Wrist


Miniaturising powerful technology into a lifestyle-friendly watch, Masimo W1 automates the collection of clinically accurate health measurements to help physicians manage patient recovery, chronic conditions, and overall wellness.

The watch pairs with the Masimo SafetyNet app, which transfers data to a secure, web-based clinician portal, where care providers can view live data and trends.

Expand and scale telemonitoring to support hospitals for all use cases:

  • Chronic care
  • Hospital-to-home
  • Hospital-at-home

Seamlessly Manage Patient Care and Recovery

Oxygen Level
Oxygen Level
Pulse Rate
Pulse Rate
Heart Rate
Heart Rate
Breaths per Minute
Breaths per Minute

Seamlessly Manage Patient Care and Recovery

Oxygen Level
Oxygen Level
Pulse Rate
Pulse Rate
Heart Rate
Heart Rate
Breaths per Minute
Breaths per Minute

A Full Spectrum of Parameters

W1 features call out
Légendes des fonctions de la W1

Watch Over Patients Day and Night

True 24/7 continuous monitoring tracks patients' health parameters day and night to provide comprehensive insights, so no changes are missed

With Data You Can Rely On

Immediate access to patients' health data and alerts helps clinicians stay on top of changes and prioritise those who may need care escalation

See Progress Without Interruption

Stay connected to post-surgical patients requiring short-term monitoring, as well as chronic care patients who may need long-term monitoring, through the lifetime of the condition

Watch Over Patients Day and Night

True 24/7 continuous monitoring tracks patients' health parameters day and night to provide comprehensive insights, so no changes are missed

With Data You Can Rely On

Immediate access to patients' health data and alerts helps clinicians stay on top of changes and prioritise those who may need care escalation

See Progress Without Interruption

Stay connected to post-surgical patients requiring short-term monitoring, as well as chronic care patients who may need long-term monitoring, through the lifetime of the condition

From the Innovators of Trusted Masimo SET® Pulse Oximetry

From the Innovators of Trusted Masimo SET® Pulse Oximetry


Inspired by the same technology that revolutionised pulse oximetry over 30 years ago—miniaturised to capture health data from the wrist. 

Masimo SET® is used to monitor over 200 million patients each year and shown in over 100 studies to outperform other pulse oximetry technologies.1,2

Available with Masimo SafetyNet

Available with Masimo SafetyNet

  • See live data and trends with the Masimo SafetyNet app
  • Help patients stay on track with customisable CarePrograms
  • Analyse patient data, alert notifications, and CareProgram responses on the Clinician Portal
  • Available for Android and iOS devices


Masimo SafetyNet System

  • Free downloadable app
  • Customisable CarePrograms
  • Clinician Portal

Masimo W1

  • Watch module
  • Wireless charging cable
  • Setup instructions

Display Range

    • Oxygen Saturation (SpO2):

• 0% to 100%

    • Pulse Rate (PR):

• 25 bpm to 240 bpm

    • Pulse Rate Variability (PRV):

• 0 ms to 150 ms

    • Heart Rate (HR):

• 25 bpm to 240 bpm

    • Pleth Variability Index (PVi):

• 0 to 100

    • Perfusion Index (Pi):

• 0.02 to 0.99

• 1.0 to 9.9

• 10 to 20

    • Respiration Rate (RRp):

• 4 rpm to 70 rpm



    • SpO2 (No Motion) (Low Perfusion):

• 2% ARMS**, over the range 70% to 100% for Adults

    • Pulse Rate (No Motion):

• 3 bpm ARMS**, over the range of 25 bpm to 240 bpm for Adults

    • Heart Rate (HR):

• ≤ 5 bpm

    • Respiration Rate by Pleth (No Motion):

• 3 rpm ARMS**, over the range 4 RPM - 70 RPM, for Adults


Without M-band



  • 40 mm touch watch face
  • Depth (D): 0.62in
  • 16-bit colour
  • Corning Gorilla Glass 3 with surface hardness


  • 34g

With M-band



  • Width(w): 1.48in
  • Length(L): 10.5inn


  • 54g


  • Li-ion rechargeable battery
  • Up to 24 hours of operation*
  • 3 hours from zero to full charge
  • Wireless charging

Ingress Protection

  • Protection against water splashing from any direction (IP24)


  • Bluetooth Low Energy for Masimo SafetyNet smartphone app pairing


  1. 1.

    Estimate: Masimo data on file

  2. 2.

    Published clinical studies on pulse oximetry and the benefits of Masimo SET® can be found on our website at Comparative studies include independent and objective studies which are comprised of abstracts presented at scientific meetings and peer-reviewed journal articles.

  3. 3.

    Pronovost P et al. JAMA. 2022;327(12):1125-1126. doi: 10.1001/jama.2022.2040. 

  4. 4.

    Patel H et al. Telemed J E Health. 2022 Jun 10. doi: 10.1089/tmj.2021.0510.


* This represents approximate run time with Screen on-time: 0%, Bluetooth connection On, Active Measurement, SpO2 and Heart Rate (Continuous Vitals On), Heart Rate (10 Spot-Check measurements), using a fully charged battery.

** ARMS accuracy is a statistical calculation of the difference between device measurements and reference measurements. Approximately two-thirds of the device measurements fell within ± ARMS of the reference measurements in a controlled study.
